Friends & Relations



My mom - She's great! We've always been close, and she's someone I look up to a lot for her strength and kindness. She lives a few hours away, but we visit each other when we can, and keep in contact almost every day.
My brother - I don't talk to him, because he lives a solitary lifestyle.
My father - I don't talk to him, because he's terrible.
Extended family - I have very little contact with anyone else I'm related to through blood, adoption, or marriage. I grew up without having any extended family living in the same state as my immediate family, and rarely ever seeing them.


Garrett - He is my wonderful partner, my beautiful boyfriend! He's such a kind and caring person. We live together and it's very nice. He likes D&D, videogames, guns, books, podcasts, camping, hiking, and wilderness survival. He's also very good at cooking, which is part of how he first attracted me. We've seen all of The Sopranos together.


Crystal - She's a ball python who I've had since I was 6!! She doesn't have much to say, but she's very chill and great with people. For a 20 year old snake, she's had surprisingly few issues. Crystal likes to be held by warm people, and to explore a bit. She also likes eating rats, obviously.
Oliver - Also known as Wobber, Wobbeter Wobbeter 1,000 Kilometer, Wobbeteer, Mr Garden, Mr Baby, Mr Friendship, Sergeant Silly, Admiral Absurd, etc. He is a very calm and friendly short haired cat, mostly white with some black markings. I adopted him as a kitten because he had recently been beat up by another cat. He is very kind to people and other cats. He used to be quite crazy and energetic as a kitten, but now he has an air of wisdom about him. Wobber does a good job helping to take care of Misty, too, and they're pretty good friends.
Misty - She is a tiny little baby cat who I adopted because someone handed her to me at work! She causes problems sometimes, but she's very sweet and affectionate, maybe even a bit clingy. She is a baby after all. Misty is a longhaired cat with some Ragdoll genetics. Her coloration is mostly dark brown with some silver patches, and silver stripes on her tail. Depending on the lighting though, she sometimes looks black.


local friends


long distance friends